Greetings! Welcome to the official website of the Black Political Caucus of Charlotte-Mecklenburg! We are pleased to bring you this site to provide you helpful information to become a more informed voter and an active participant in the political, educational, social, and economic fabric of your community.
With the use of this page, along with our website, our intent is to provide you with timely information on issues that will impact the communities in which you live, work and play. Please frequent our page often as well as peruse our website to become familiar with it.
If you are not yet a member, we invite you to get involved by becoming a member of the Black Political Caucus. Visit our membership page on our website and learn how you can join the Caucus. YOU can make a difference!

The Black Political Caucus was founded in 1965 as a Political Action Committee (PAC) by a group of local community leaders who wanted to ensure that the voice of the Black community was represented at the political table at the local, state and national levels.
For fifty-four years, we have worked to educate communities on the importance of registering and voting in every election cycle; we have, through our Candidate Forums, vetted and endorsed candidates whom we believe would speak to the issues of the Black community; and, we have sought to strengthen our political power and improve our communities by lobbying for those issues that impact the Black community; namely, economic empowerment, social and civic welfare, education and political activity. Today, more than ever the Caucus’s work is needed to ensure that the voices of African-Americans are heard at the political table. In past years, highly esteemed elected officials from local, state and national levels have served as keynote speakers for our Fall fundraisers--Congresswoman Alma Adams, North Carolina; Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation; and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, California are among them.
Purpose and Principles
Serve as a representative body of and as a leadership body for the Black citizenry of the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.
Inform and educate the Black community on the importance of registering and voting and on political issues of importance to the Black community in particular and the community and state at large in general.
Encourage its members and others to study the merits of issues and the character and platform of each candidate and to exercise the right of franchise by registering and voting in all city, county, state and national elections.
Encourage formation of coalitions among and between members in the predominately Black precincts .
Promote cohesiveness among block captains and precinct workers.
Promote and enhance the power and welfare of the Black community in political, economical, educational, civic and cultural affairs.
Promote cooperation with other public and private groups in improving political, educational, economic, civic, cultural, and religious conditions in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community.
Serve as a public forum for discussion of community, state and national affairs, and especially Black affairs.
Do those things within our power for the general improvement of the entire community in matters of education, economics, religion, social and civic welfare, and political activity.